Faculty of foreign languages – UNIVERSITY2022-09-12T21:43:00+02:00


Faculty of Foreign Languages

offers accredited training programs in English philology, namely basic academic training (240 ESPB points) and postgraduate academic training – master’s program (60 ESPB points)


Our training programs in English philology are based on modern scientific theoretical and applied knowledge in the field of English language, literature and methods of teaching English as a foreign language.

The faculty has a highly qualified academic staff, professional management and efficient student service, which ensures high effectiveness of education.


Our advantages include modern training programs, tutors and employees dedicated to their trade, work in small groups, use of interactive methods and adaptation to individual needs of every student.

For the purpose of monitoring of the level of economic development in Serbia, as well as preservation and support of international economic and cultural relations, we are preparing to introduce the Russian language and literature training program


The Faculty of Foreign Languages was founded on November 24, 2005 as a higher educational institution within the framework of the Karić Brothers University.

In addition to the fact that the faculty has hundreds of students, qualified lecturers and academic staff, professional management and effective student support service, the Faculty of Foreign Languages also boasts training programs that meet the highest standards, as well as new modern equipment, all aimed at teaching future generations of English philology specialists.


Graduates of our department have never had any problems with employment. They have tested the knowledge obtained by working in domestic or foreign companies and building successful careers. Our graduates today occupy high positions in all spheres of the society, work in successful companies in the country and abroad, serve as managers in financial institutions and state institutions from local self-governance authorities to ministries.


The Mission of the Faculty of Foreign Languages is to provide highly qualified professional philologists specializing in English philology; since this profession is in deficit, it causes great public interest.

The Faculty of Foreign Languages (FFL) of the Alfa BK University in Belgrade prepares highly qualified specialists in the field of foreign languages and literature. We believe that the profile of a modern philologist requires knowledge of the foreign language with a focus on modern language for the needs of various professions and activities, business foreign language, translation activities, as well as knowledge of the techniques of teaching foreign language, including the required pedagogical and psychological knowledge. All these features ensure high competence of our graduates and their competitiveness in the job market not only in our country, but in wider regional and European framework as well.

2. ENGLISH PHILOLOGY – LITERATURE 1. ENGLISH PHILOLOGY – LINGUISTICS APPLY! Being one of the leading private faculties with many years of experience, the Faculty of Foreign Languages offers the following modules:


The Faculty of Foreign Languages was founded in 2005 within the framework of the Karić Brothers University and became the first private philological faculty in our country. The mission of the faculty consists in quality training of high-level specialists in the field of foreign languages and literature. The goal of the training program consists in educational training of English teachers and translators, as well as specialists in the fields of culture, economics and mass media.

In addition to theoretical and practical knowledge in the field of English language, teaching methods, literature and cultural studies, competent professors and employees promote and develop abilities of students with regard to team work, creativity, flexibility and high-quality communication. The goal of the training program is to allow students to obtain knowledge and skills to perform works in the in the spheres of culture, publishing, translation, public communications, especially in the sphere of international communication as well as in all fields requiring professional profile of a specialist in English language, literature and culture.
The contents and structure of the training program comply with modern trends in the study of language, literature and culture. Learning takes place in an interactive and dynamic form in small groups, which makes it possible to achieve the maximum effect in course of the learning process.

The Faculty of Foreign Languages also organizes numerous extracurricular events, creative workshops, translation sections and work lectures where students have a chance to develop their talents and gain additional broader knowledge.

We pay a lot of attention to our publishing work, which is conducted in several directions. In 2014, new publication of significant scientific monographs of our researchers was launched under the name of the New Horizons Library. Since 2012, 9 publications have been issued as a result of traditional annual scientific meetings at which we strive to bring together researchers from various scientific and educational centers and countries. Since 2009, the Faculty has published the Words / Reči journal on language, literature and culture, which was classified by the Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development of Serbia as a scientific journal (M52). We are especially happy to provide our publications as a space where young researchers can present the results of their work.

After graduation, students of the Faculty of Foreign Languages build successful careers of teachers in primary and secondary schools, translators and managers in successful companies. Some of the very best graduates are employed at the Faculty, where their continue their academic careers as junior research officers and assistants, while others choose to continue their studies at international universities, as our diploma is recognized and accepted across the world.

Prof. Dr. Valentina Budinčić

Dean of the Faculty of Foreign Languages


The Faculty of Foreign Languages has accredited training programs:






New ideas and a significant contribution to the study of language, literature and culture

Six years ago, the Faculty of Foreign Languages of Alfa BK University launched the New Horizons publication in order to introduce scientific and general audience to the latest research in the field of language, literature and culture. Presentation of the first two scientific monographs took place on February 25, 2015 at the Roman Hall of the Belgrade City Library, at the time of release of the book by Prof. Dr. Svetlana Tomić “Realism and Reality: New Interpretations of Serbian Realist Prose from the Viewpoint of Gender” and the book by Prof. Maja Ćuk “Margaret Atwood and Myth: New World in Colors of Ancient Tales.” The first of the books mentioned, in which works of classical Serbian realist writers for the first time were analyzed together with works of formerly famous female writers of the time, was praised highly in the most reputable foreign scientific journals. The second book is the first study in Serbia that is fully dedicated to Margaret Atwood and included in the list of academic literature for master students in English philology at the Faculty of Philology of the Belgrade University.

Since then, the Faculty of Foreign Languages of the Alfa BK University has been publishing innovative studies in the field of language and literature every year. “Philosophy in Hamlet” (2015) by Jasminka Marić examines ontological problems of this tragedy and its metaphysical discourse. The book “Contribution of the Unknown Elite: Possibilities of an Entirely Different Future” (2016) by Svetlana Tomić for the first time explains the importance of memories of famous women and the role of female translators in the Serbian culture of the 19th century. The study of Prof. Dr. Meline Nikolić Kritička “Critical Analysis of Confrontational Discourse” (2018) was the first paper to examine a specific type of public discourse, confrontational interviews, from the point of view of critical discourse analysis, with comparison of Serbian and English TV interviews and made an original contribution to Serbian linguistics and discourse analysis.

The first fundamental study of correspondence between English and Serbian sports terminology in our region was conducted by Prof. Dr. Valentina Budinčić. Her monograph “English Loan Words in Sports Terminology” can be useful for all people interested in the influence of English on Serbian as well as everyone interested in sports terminology. This books analyses grounds for use of English terms and provides suggestions that are expected to contribute to standardization of these terms and their clearer and more accurate use.

The best publications can also be found in the New Horizons journal. Prof. Dr. Svetlana Tomić in her book “Famous and Ignored: On the Way to Critical Culture of Memory” (2018) demonstrated that the most important women in Serbian culture were not forgotten, but rather systematically ignored, and that the grave metaphor of the decline of public memory is still relevant. The monograph “Terra Australis: Mythopoetics of Belonging” (2019) by Prof. Dr. Tijana Parezanović was the first work to introduce the Australian poetry into Serbian-English literature, presented through intertwined mythological, historical and cultural concepts. The study “Maga Magazinović: Memory, Facts, Interpretations” (2019) by Prof. Dr. Svetlana Tomić for the first time sheds light on the processes of rising to fame and political defamation of the wonderful intellectual who was once known as well as Isidora Sekulić. The monograph “Culture, Nation and Narrative: Literature of the Serbian Diaspora in Canada” is unique by the fact that it examines the aspects of work of Serbian writers in Canada that have not yet been studied in our country.

All books from the New Horizons / Novi vidici series of the Faculty of Foreign Languages of the Alfa BK University have been highly praised by reputable domestic and foreign scientists and drawn attention of renowned mass media outlets. Some of the studies have been fully converted to digital form and made available for download from www.academia.edu, where you can see the actual demand for these studies.

Realism and Reality: New Interpretations of Serbian Realist Prose from the Viewpoint of Gender.
Author: Svetlana Tomić
Link: https://ftb.academia.edu/SvetlanaTomic/Books

Margaret Atwood and Myth: New World in Colors of Ancient Tales.
Author: Maja Ćuk
Link: https://ftb.academia.edu/MajaCuk/Books


Words/Reči 15 – prompt for submission of articles

Dear colleagues

We are happy to inform you that the articles for the 15th issue of the Reči Journal on Language, Literature and Culture can be submitted before September 1, 2022 to e-mail address reci@alfa.edu.rs. They may cover all areas of language, literature and culture. The text is edited according to the attached instruction. In order to facilitate technical preparation of the text, we provide a for that you may reprint. Please send your article together with the completed Application that will also be attached. We would like to remind you that our journal has been classified as a M52 category journal by the Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development of Serbia. We hope that your help in the future will help us to improve quality and reputation of the Reči Journal.

Editorial team of the Words/Reči journal





Words / Reči 14
Journal on Language, Literature and Culture Reči, No. 14 (14/2021).

Words / Reči 13
Journal on Language, Literature and Culture Reči, No. 13 (13/2020).

Words / Reči 12
Journal on Language, Literature and Culture Reči, No. 12 (12/2019).

Words / Reči 11
Journal on Language, Literature and Culture Reči, No. 11 (1/2018).

Words / Reči 10
Journal on Language, Literature and Culture Reči, No. 10 (1/2017).

Words / Reči 9
Journal on Language, Literature and Culture Reči, No. 9 (1/2016).

Words / Reči 8
Journal on Language, Literature and Culture Reči, No. 8 (1/2015).

Words / Reči 7
Journal on Language, Literature and Culture Reči, No. 7 (1/2014).

Words / Reči 6
Journal on Linguistics, Literature Studies and Cultural Studies Reči, No. 6 (1/2013).

Words / Reči 5
Journal on Linguistics, Literature Studies and Cultural Studies Reči, No. 6 (1/2013).

Words / Reči 4
Journal on Language, Literature and Culture Reči, No. 4 (1/2011).

Words / Reči 3
Journal on Language, Literature and Culture Reči, No. 3 (3/2010).

Words / Reči 2
Journal on Language, Literature and Culture Reči, No. 2 (2/2009).

Words / Reči 1
Journal on Language, Literature and Culture Reči, No. 1 (1/2009).
