Lista publikacija u okviru projekta II U-001/20, Procena uticaja Covid-19 na socijalni i ekonomski razvoj, Alfa BK Univerziteta, Fakulteta za finansije, bankarstvo i reviziju, razvrstana po kategorijama
M21 |
1) Živkov, D., Kuzman, B., Andrejević-Panić, A. (2021). Nonlinear bidirectional multiscale volatility transmission effect between stocks and exchange rate markets in the selected African countries. Ekonomska istraživanja – Economic Research, 34(1), 1623-1650. |
M22 |
1) Živkov, D., Balaban, P., Kuzman, B. (2021). How to combine precious metals with corn in a risk-minimizing two-asset portfolio? Agricultural Economics – Zemedelska Ekonomika, 67(2), 60-69.
2) Živkov, D., Balaban, S., Pećanac, M. (2021). Assessing the multiscale ‘meteor shower’ effect from oil to the Central and Eastern European stock indices. International Journal of Finance and Economics, 26(2), 1855-1870. 3) Živkov, D. Joksimović, M., Balaban, S. (2021). Measuring parametric and semiparametric downside risk of selected agricultural commodities. Agricultural Economics – Zemedelska Ekonomika, 67(8), 305-315. 4) Živkov, D., Kuzman, B., Subić J. (2022). Measuring risk-adjusted performance of the selected soft agricultural commodities. Agricultural Economics – Zemedelska Ekonomika, 68(3), 87-96. 5) Živkov, D., Balaban, S., Joksimović, M. (2022). Making a Markowitz portfolio with agricultural futures. Agricultural Economics – Zemedelska Ekonomika, 68(6), 219-229. 6) Živkov, D., Manić, S., Pavkov, I. (2022). Nonlinear examination of the ‘Heat Wave’ and ‘Meteor Shower’ effects between spot and futures markets of the precious metals. Empirical Economics, 63(2), 1109-1134. 7) Živkov, D., Gajić-Glamočlija, M., Đurašković, J. (2022). Multiscale downside risk interdependence between the major agricultural commodities. Agribusiness, 38(4), 990-1011. |
M23 |
1) Balaban, S., Živkov, D. (2021). Validity of Wagner’s law in transition economies: A multivariate approach. Hacienda publica espanola / Review of Public Economics, 236(1), 105-131.
2) Živkov, D., Manić, S., Đurašković, J., Viduka, D. (2021). Measuring downside risk in portfolios with Bitcoin. Finance a úvěr – Czech Journal of Economics and Finance, 71(2), 178-200. 3) Živkov, D., Đurašković, J., Kovačević, J. (2021). The effect of money growth on inflation and GDP in the selected Asia-Pacific markets – Wavelet-based Bayesian quantile estimates. Economic Computation and Economic Cybernetics Studies and Research, 55(4), 259-275. 4) Živkov, D., Manić, S., Kovačević, J., Trbović, Ž. (2022). Assessing volatility transmission between Brent and stocks in the major global oil producers and consumers – The multiscale robust quantile regression. Portuguese Economic Journal, 21(1), 67-93. 5) Živkov, D., Damnjanović, J., Papić-Blagojević, N. (2022). How to hedge energy commodities with precious metals in a multivariate Markowitz portfolio? Finance a úvěr – Czech Journal of Economics and Finance, 72(1), 50-70. |
M24 |
1) Balaban, S., Joksimović, M. and Stoiljković, M. (2022) The determinants of growing agri-food export: the case of CEE countries. Economics of Agriculture 69(3).
2) Madžar, L. (2022). Motivs for the Introduction of Agricultural Innovations in Serbia with particular Accent on Beekeepers: The Application of Logistic Regression. Economics of Agriculture, Year 69, No. 1, pp. 27-41, 3) Madžar, L. (2022). Modelling the Trend of Energy Productivity in the Serbian Economy, Ekonomika preduzeća, Year LXX, May-June 2022, 70(2), pp. 179-190, DOI: 10.5937/EKOPRE2204179M |
M31 |
1) Marijana Joksimović, (2021) ARE THERE CORONA PROFITEERS?, First International Scientific Conference, ” Covid-19 and Challenges of the Business World”, Belgrade, March 25th 2021, Alfa BK University, pozivno pismo i potvrda o učešću, Book of Proceedings, ISBN 978-86-6461-046-9 COBISS.SR-ID 40983561, p.p. 22-29. Rad broj dva.
M32 |
1) Marijana Joksimović, (2022), The impact of green bonds on the development of the global and national market, INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT AND GREEN ECONOMY, April 19th 2022, Scientific and Professional Society for Environmental Protection Ecologica, Belgrade, pozivno pismo i potvrda o učešću, Book of Apstract, ISBN 978-86-89061-16-1, COBISS.SR-ID 63313417, p. 21, apstrakt broj 1
2) Marijana Joksimović, Stevica Deđanski, (2021) IMPACT OF COVID-19 ON TOURIST TRAFFIC IN THE REPUBLIC OF SERBIA, International Scientific Conference, THE IMPACT OF THE COVID-19 PANDEMIC ON THE ECONOMY AND THE ENVIRONMENT IN THE ERA OF THE FOURTH INDUSTRIAL REVOLUTION, April 22th 2021, Scientific and Professional Society for Environmental Protection Ecologica, Belgrade, pozivno pismo i potvrda o učešću, Book of Apstract, ISBN 978-86-89061-14-7, COBISS.SR-ID 39441417, p. 28, apstrakt broj 6
M33 |
1) Joksimović, M., Balaban, S. and Milošević, M. (2021) The Impact of Covid-19 on Bank Capitalization, First International Scientific Conference: Covid-19 and Challenges of the Business World, Belgrade
2) Madžar, L., Peković, D. (2021). Energy Transition in Serbia and the World in the Era of COVID-19 Pandemic. First International Scientific Conference “Covid-19 and Challenges of the Business World”, Belgrade, March 25th, 2021, Faculty of Finance, Banking and Auditing, Alfa BK University, Belgrade, pp. 151-165 3) Peković, D., Madžar, L. (2021). Initial Impact of the COVID-19 Crisis on Employment and Fiscal Policy Responses. First International Scientific Conference “Covid-19 and Challenges of the Business World”, Belgrade, March 25th, 2021, Faculty of Finance, Banking and Auditing, Alfa BK University, Belgrade, pp. 166-180 4) Madžar, L. (2022). The State of the Green Economy in Serbia. Business, Economy, Law, Education – BELCON 2022, June 2 and 3, Belgrade Academy of Business and Art Vocational Studies, Belgrade, forthcoming |
M34 |
1) Dašić, B., Madžar, L., Dašić, D. (2022). Digitalization in the function of the green economy. International Scientific Conference: Sustainable Development and Green Economy, Book of Apstracts, 19-21 April, 2022, Ecologica, Belgrade
2) Bojan Stoiljković, Marijana Joksimović, Larisa Jovanović, (2022) Descriptive statistical analysis of business profitability enterprises under the influence of the circular economy model in the Republic of SerbiaINTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT AND GREEN ECONOMY, April 19th 2022, Scientific and Professional Society for Environmental Protection Ecologica, Belgrade, Book of Apstract, ISBN 978-86-89061-16-1, COBISS.SR-ID 63313417, p. 56 3) Zečević, M., Joksimović, M. and Balaban, S. (2022) The economic importance of digital business transformation, International Scientific Conference Sustainability Development and Green Economy, Book of abstracts, Ecologica, Belgrade, ISBN 978-86-89061-16-1
M35 |
1) Madžar, L. (2021). Perspectives of Green Jobs in Serbia. International Online Scientific Conference Sustainable Recovery in Post-Pandemic Era: Green Economy Challenges, December 7-8, 2021, International Labour Organization, Institute of Social Sciences Belgrade and Institute of Sociological, Political and Juridical Research, Belgrade |
M42 |
1) Marijana Joksimović, Uticaj Covida-19 na održivost adekvatnosti kapitala u bankama, Alfa BK Univerzitet, Beograd, 2021, broj strana 109, ISBN 978-86-6461-045-2, UDK 336.711.6(094.2), 616.98:578.834]:33 COBISS.SR-ID 38336009, recenzenti: Larisa Jovanović, Antoaneta Vassileva i Goran Milošević, monografija sadrži 13 autocitata iz 9 radova iz kategorija M23(1 rad), M24(2 rada), M51(5 radova) i M53(1 rad).
2) Madžar, L. (2022). Globalne privredne posledice Ukrajinskog rata. Alfa BK univerzitet, Beograd. |
M43 |
1) Madžar, L. (2022). Ekonomska bezbednost Srbije u vreme Covid-19 krize: Primena Stepwise regresije. Međunarodna naučna konferencija: Društveni procesi i položaj mladih, održana od 30. septembra do 1. oktobra 2022. godine na Rudniku, Međunarodna akademija nauka, umetnosti i bezbednosti i Centar za strateška istraživanja nacionalne bezbednosti, Beograd |
M51 |
1) Joksimović M., Beke Trivunac J., (2021), Uticaj Covid-19 na bankarsko poslovanje, Megatrend revija, ISSN 1820-3159. – God. 18, br. 1 (2021), str. 79-90
2) 3) Madžar, L. (2021). Agricultural Innovations, Extension, Finance and Rural Loans in the Republic of Serbia: The Case of Logistic Regression. Annals of the Polish Association of Agricultural and Agribusiness Economists, XXIII (4), pp. 129-148 4) Madžar, L., Karić, D., Paspalj, D. (2021). The Possible Impact of the Online Learning on the Quality of Education in Serbia during the Covid-19 Pandemic. Studies and Scientific Researches. Economics Edition, No. 34 (2021), pp. 13-23 5) Madžar, L. (2022). Macroeconomic Analysis of the Financing of Education System in the Republic of Serbia. Oradea Journal of Business and Economics, Volume 7, Issue 1, 2022, pp. 8-18, DOI: 6) Madžar, L. (2022). The innovation paradox and its influence on the economic growth of Serbia: the Granger causality approach, Acta Economica, forthcoming 7) Karić, D., Mirjanić, B., Madžar, L. (2022). Finansijska analiza kompanije za proizvodnju električne energije iz energije vetra – Investicioni pristup na primeru kompanije Fintel energija a.d.”. Ecologica, forthcoming 8) Zečević, M., Joksimović, M. and Balaban, S. (2022) The impact of Covid-19 pandemic on international commodity flows. Ecologica 29(107): 440-448. DOI:10.18485/ecologica.2022.29.107.19 |
M53 |
1) Balaban, S. and Đurašković, J. (2021) Agile Project Management as an Answer to Changing Environment, Business Economy / Management 1/2021: 12-19.
2) Milojević N., Joksimović M., (2021.), Značaj investicionih fondova u procesu tranzicije, Revizor : časopis za teoriju i praksu : računovodstvo, poslovne finansije, poslovno pravo, menadžment. ISSN 1450-7005. – God. 24, br. 95-96 (2021), str. 91-98 3) Madžar, L. (2021). Serbian Economy, Health and Society in the COVID-19 Coronavirus Pandemic. Ekonomski vidici, Vol. 26, No. 1-2, pp. 35-46 4) Madžar, L. (2021). Financing Innovations in the Contemporary World. Revizor, vol. XXIV, no. 94, June 2021, RMS Advisory, Belgrade, pp. 25-35 5) Madžar, L. (2021). The Concept, Principles and Innovations in Circular Economy. Glasnik za društvene nauke, Vol. XIII, No. XIII, pp. 120-134 6) Madžar, L. (2022). The Necessity of Developing a Green Economy and Green Jobs in Serbia, Ekonomski vidici, Vol. 27, No. 1-2, pp. 23-33 7) Madžar, L. (2022). Cobb-Douglas Production Function of the Serbian Economy. Revizor, forthcoming 8) Beke-Trivunac J., Peković D. (2021). The impact of investments in permanent assets on the increase in the number of employees and their salaries by entrepreneurial sectors, Revizor, 95-96, str, 7-16, DOI: 10.5937/Rev2196007B 9) Beke-Trivunac J., Stoiljković B., Peković D. (2021). Investment in fixed assets impact on the employment growth in the Republic of Serbia, Revizor, 94, str, 89-93, DOI: 10.5937/Rev21940178 10) Beke-Trivunac J., Peković D. (2022). The effects of investments in permanent assets on employment and salaries by enterprise size, Revizor, 97-98, str. 7-19, DOI: 10.56362/Rev2298007B |
M63 |
1) Madžar, L. (2022). Stanje digitalne privrede u Srbiji”, Šesta naučno-stručna konferencija Trendovi u poslovanju 2022, Visoka poslovna škola strukovnih studija “Prof. dr Radomir Bojković”, Kruševac, str. 181-190 |