Jubilarni naučni skup na Fakultetu za strane jezike Alfa BK Univerziteta
Dear colleagues,
The Faculty of Foreign Languages (Alfa BK University in Belgrade) is glad to announce its Tenth International Conference on Language and Literary Studies which will be held on 24–25 September, 2021.
We are very pleased to announce that our confirmed keynote speakers are Professor Emerita Janice Kulyk Keefer (University of Guelph, Canada) and Professor Zorica Đergović-Joksimović (University of Novi Sad, Serbia).
For the tenth issue of our annual conference, we hope to gather scholars, researchers and teachers whose scientific research focuses on the study of
Uncertain or inevitable, real or fictitious, bright or bleak, utopian or dystopian – the future is an enduring theme in science, religion and art, but also in our everyday life. Even though futurology as the study of the future appeared at the beginning of the 20th century with H. G. Wells’s Anticipations, many prominent thinkers, from the philosophers of ancient China, India and Greece to St. Augustine to Spengler and Heidegger, have expressed their opinions about this phenomenon. Language, Literature and Future conference looks into the significance of the concept of the future and its influence on various aspects of human culture and civilization. The aim of our conference is to present possible empirical and theoretical views on the future from the perspective of philology, philosophy, sociology and psychology, as well as from the the point of view of other humanities, social sciences and arts.
Within the scope of this topic and with your presence and collaboration, we shall attempt to address and analyze issues such as:
– Philosophical, sociological and psychological aspects of the future
– Alternative and plural futures
– Interaction between art and science in the discourse on the future
– The motif of time travel in children’s, young adult and adult literature
– Futurism in art
– Science fiction as the history of the future
– Aspects of the future in corpus and cognitive linguistics, sociolinguistics, and other areas of the study of language
– The future of the humanities
– Visions of the future in literature
– Optimism, pessimism and hope in utopian and dystopian discourse
– Religious, esoteric and mystical representations of the future
– The role of tradition in the future
– The concept of the future in philology and implications for language teaching
– Futurology – possibilities and perspectives
– The importance of the future in the media, social networks and other means of communication
Your proposals for a fifteen-minute presentation (followed by a short discussion) should be sent by e-mail to fsj.conference@alfa.edu.rs by 1 July, 2021. The proposals should contain your name, affiliation and e-mail address, title of the presentation and an abstract of 200 to 250 words in English and Bosnian/Croatian/Montenegrin/Serbian, together with up to 10 keywords. Notifications of acceptance will be sent by 20 July, 2021.
All interested participants who cannot join the conference in person will be able to give their presentation online.
Conference fee is 50 EUR.
We sincerely look forward to welcoming you at the conference,
Faculty of Foreign Languages, Alfa BK University