Works published in journals:
- Beke-Trivunac J. (2021) Concept of materiality for proper preparation of financial statements in accordance with the Marketing Services Financial Intelligence, Revizor, 93, 2021. p. 95-97.
- Beke-Trivunac, J., Jovanović, L. Municipality budget changes over the year as an indicator of environmental management policies, Ecologica, XXVII, No 97, 2020, 5-14 Scientific paper, UDC: 330.534.4+347.193: 574.3 (M51)
- Beke-Trivunac, J. (2019) Accounting standards for reporting on sustainable business, Ecologica, XXVI, No. 93, 2019, 31-36. (M51)
- Beke-Trivunac, J., Barjaktarović, M. (2019) Guiding principles of management and reporting on sustainability of banking operations. PROCEEDINGS of the 6th International Scientific Conference on Agricultural Business MAK-2019 “EUROPEAN ROAD TO SUCCESS”, Kopaonik, Serbia, January 25-27, 2019. (M63)
- Beke-Trivunac, J., Barjaktarović, M., Simić, M. (2018) G4 principles of reporting and standards of disclosure of information in the field of sustainable development, PROCEEDINGS of the 6th International Scientific Conference on Agricultural Business MAK-2018 “EUROPEAN ROAD TO SUCCESS”, Kopaonik, Serbia, January 25-26, 209-2016. (M63)
Doctoral theses
- Krpić, J. (2021) Natural hedging as a strategy of defense against commodity and currency risks (on the example of companies in the field of fossil production and/or metal processing), doctoral thesis defended at the Alfa BK University on May 14, 2021.